Laser Lypolysis: Newest Laser-Assisted Liposuction is Available in Bangkok

Laser Lypolysis: Newest Laser-Assisted Liposuction is Available in Bangkok
Why do people get laser liposuction Some people have it done to correct birth defects or other physical irregularities. However, most people have it done to increase their physical attractiveness. Today's society requires people to look their best to achieve the goals that they want. Samitivej Hospital in Bangkok can provide this service with the best counseling and careful planning of the procedure with world-class skill and technology.
What exactly is fat Actually, the medical term for it is adipose tissue. This tissue is located beneath the skin, which is also called subcutaneous. Like the skin, the adipose tissue is made up of two layers, white and brown. White adipose tissue is yellowish in color because of the carotenoids it contains. Brown adipose tissue contains a large vascular supply. Fatty tissue is deposited differently in each person, although there are three basic patterns of fat storage
Laser Lypolysis: Newest Laser-Assisted Liposuction is Available in Bangkok
on and in the human body. The first is the android pattern, also known as the apple pattern. This pattern is most frequently found in men starting at the neck and traveling down the shoulders, continuing on down through the abdomen. The second pattern is the gynoid pattern, most commonly found in women, where it is stored in the buttocks and thighs. The third pattern is the intermediate pattern, where fat accumulates in both the upper and lower parts of the body. These patterns are not absolutely gender-specific, and can be a combination of the patterns mentioned above. Fat cells can change in size, however, once they are formed in the body, they remain there permanently. This is why laser liposuction is such a useful procedure for people who have a genetic predisposition towards accruing large amounts of fatty tissue.
While liposuction involves the white and brown adipose tissue, it is mostly the white fat that gives the unsightly look of being overweight or unattractive. The process
Laser Lypolysis: Newest Laser-Assisted Liposuction is Available in Bangkok
includes a laser fiber inserted underneath the skin into the adipose tissue area. This cannula is gently moved around the area of fat to be removed while emitting heat from the laser to liquefy the fat. The rupturing of the cells leaves an oily substance which is then drained or suctioned out. It is the smallness of the laser beam that helps to minimize the side effects of the removal of unwanted tissue. The laser allows the plastic surgeon to hone in on the precise area of the body where the adipose tissue to be extracted is located. Also, one of the beneficial secondary effects of the laser usage is that it causes the skin layer to tighten up after its contact with the heat of the laser. This in effect tones the skin automatically around the area where the fatty tissue has been removed. The recovery time period is a couple of days or a little more. This period will vary from person to person. The caring staff at Samitivej Hospital will guide each patient through each part of the laser-liposuction process, ensuring a satisfactory and life-enhancing experience.